OpenWRT Geofencing

Geofencing refers to allowing or blocking a connection based on country of origin. Unfortunately, OpenWRT / LEDE does not support geofencing out of the box.

The way I’ve worked around this is described below.

Shell script

I created a shell script /root/bin/ to pull Maxmind Geolite2 database periodically, and use that to populate an ipset set which I can then reference from iptables.

The shell script is based on this one with a few tweaks for Openwrt: change bash to ash and change the paths of some of the utilities ipset, curl etc

The shell script takes 2 arguments: the ipset name to create/update, and the country name to pull out of the Geolite database.

If I call it like this: /root/bin/ australia Australia then the resulting ipsets are australia4 and australia6 (ipv4 + ipv6 respectively)


The Maxmind database changes over time as, so it’s important to update it on a periodic basis. I installed a cronjob as root user to run the script once per week:

0 0 * * sun     /root/bin/ australia Australia


From the command line, you can use the new ipset like so:

iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -m set --match-set australia4 src -j ACCEPT
ip6tables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 22 -m set --match-set australia6 src -j ACCEPT

I prefer to use the Luci interface for configuring the firewall. While it doesn’t support setting an ipset target directly it does allow you to specify arbitrary iptables switches. When creating a port forwarding or traffic rule that requires geofencing, I put the following in the Extra arguments: section: -m set --match-set australia4 src.

As the interface only allows one ipset to be specified per rule, you can either create multiple rules for multiple countries, or create one ipset that combines multiple countries into a group.

Survive reboot

At boot time rules that use ipsets will fail to load as the ipsets will not exist at that point. To work around that I put the following lines into the /etc/rc.local:

/root/bin/ australia Australia
/etc/init.d/firewall restart